ACSC 2023

Writeup for the challenges I solved in ACSC. I mainly focused on Crypto challenges.



I made a serverless encryption service. It is so serverless that you should host it yourself. I encrypted the flag with “acscpass” as the password, but have not finished implementing the decryption feature. Help me decrypt the flag!


We are given an encrypted text with the password, and the js file used to perform the encryption.

The objective of the challenge is to find out what was the encryption and try to decrypt it.


Looking at how function b is called, we can deduce that b is the encryption function and the two parameters are message and password.

Let’s do some rename and combine the constants.

For the specific functions that I not sure what it is doing, I just throw it into ChatGPT

Great! Now this seems more readable than the first version. Since there are some modulo exponential involved, I suspected that it is doing some RSA encryption.

Checking all the constants in array g and h, I found that all of them are primes. So it indeed is an RSA encryption with primes known.

I then coded a simple decryption function in python to find the flag.

from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long

s = [117,96,98,107,7,43,220,233,126,131,201,15,244,105,252,125,10,166,219,230,250,82,211,101,195,39,240,158,174,59,103,153,122,36,67,179,224,108,9,88,191,91,14,224,193,52,183,215,11,26,30,183,133,161,169,91,48,229,99,199,165,100,218,0,165,41,55,118,227,236,80,116,120,125,10,123,125,131,106,128,154,133,55,5,63,236,69,27,201,118,180,74,213,131,47,200,116,52,49,120,86,124,178,92,246,119,98,95,86,104,64,30,54,20,109,133,155,122,11,87,16,223,162,160,215,209,136,249,221,136,232]
s = s[::-1]

g = [0x9940435684b6dcfe5beebb6e03dc894e26d6ff83faa9ef1600f60a0a403880ee166f738dd52e3073d9091ddabeaaff27c899a5398f63c39858b57e734c4768b7, 0xbd0d6bef9b5642416ffa04e642a73add5a9744388c5fbb8645233b916f7f7b89ecc92953c62bada039af19caf20ecfded79f62d99d86183f00765161fcd71577, 0xa9fe0fe0b400cd8b58161efeeff5c93d8342f9844c8d53507c9f89533a4b95ae5f587d79085057224ca7863ea8e509e2628e0b56d75622e6eace59d3572305b9, 0x8b7f4e4d82b59122c8b511e0113ce2103b5d40c549213e1ec2edba3984f4ece0346ab1f3f3c0b25d02c1b21d06e590f0186635263407e0b2fa16c0d0234e35a3, 0xf840f1ee2734110a23e9f9e1a05b78eb711c2d782768cef68e729295587c4aa4af6060285d0a2c1c824d2c901e5e8a1b1123927fb537f61290580632ffea0fbb, 0xdd068fd4984969a322c1c8adb4c8cc580adf6f5b180b2aaa6ec8e853a6428a219d7bffec3c3ec18c8444e869aa17ea9e65ed29e51ace4002cdba343367bf16fd, 0x96e2cefe4c1441bec265963da4d10ceb46b7d814d5bc15cc44f17886a09390999b8635c8ffc7a943865ac67f9043f21ca8d5e4b4362c34e150a40af49b8a1699, 0x81834f81b3b32860a6e7e741116a9c446ebe4ba9ba882029b7922754406b8a9e3425cad64bda48ae352cdc71a7d9b4b432f96f51a87305aebdf667bc8988d229, 0xd8200af7c41ff37238f210dc8e3463bc7bcfb774be93c4cff0e127040f63a1bce5375de96b379c752106d3f67ec8dceca3ed7b69239cf7589db9220344718d5f, 0xb704667b9d1212ae77d2eb8e3bd3d5a4cd19aa36fc39768be4fe0656c78444970f5fc14dc39a543d79dfe9063b30275033fc738116e213d4b6737707bb2fd287]
h = [0xd4aa1036d7d302d487e969c95d411142d8c6702e0c4b05e2fbbe274471bf02f8f375069d5d65ab9813f5208d9d7c11c11d55b19da1132c93eaaaba9ed7b3f9b1, 0xc9e55bae9f5f48006c6c01b5963199899e1cdf364759d9ca5124f940437df36e8492b3c98c680b18cac2a847eddcb137699ffd12a2323c9bc74db2c720259a35, 0xcbcdd32652a36142a02051c73c6d64661fbdf4cbae97c77a9ce1a41f74b45271d3200678756e134fe46532f978b8b1d53d104860b3e81bdcb175721ab222c611, 0xf79dd7feae09ae73f55ea8aa40c49a7bc022c754db41f56466698881f265507144089af47d02665d31bba99b89e2f70dbafeba5e42bdac6ef7c2f22efa680a67, 0xab50277036175bdd4e2c7e3b7091f482a0cce703dbffb215ae91c41742db6ed0d87fd706b622f138741c8b56be2e8bccf32b7989ca1383b3d838a49e1c28a087, 0xb5e8c7706f6910dc4b588f8e3f3323503902c1344839f8fcc8d81bfa8e05fec2289af82d1dd19afe8c30e74837ad58658016190e070b845de4449ffb9a48b1a7, 0xc351c7115ceffe554c456dcc9156bc74698c6e05d77051a6f2f04ebc5e54e4641fe949ea7ae5d5d437323b6a4be7d9832a94ad747e48ee1ebac9a70fe7cfec95, 0x815f17d7cddb7618368d1e1cd999a6cb925c635771218d2a93a87a690a56f4e7b82324cac7651d3fbbf35746a1c787fa28ee8aa9f04b0ec326c1530e6dfe7569, 0xe226576ef6e582e46969e29b5d9a9d11434c4fcfeccd181e7c5c1fd2dd9f3ff19641b9c5654c0f2d944a53d3dcfef032230c4adb788b8188314bf2ccf5126f49, 0x84819ec46812a347894ff6ade71ae351e92e0bd0edfe1c87bda39e7d3f13fe54c51f94d0928a01335dd5b8689cb52b638f55ced38693f0964e78b212178ab397]

password = b'acscpass'

for i in range(len(s)):
    s[i] = s[i] ^ password[i % len(password)]


x = bytes_to_long(bytes(s[:-3])[::-1])

p = g[s[-1]]
q = h[s[-2]]
n = p * q

e = 2**(2**s[-3]) + 1

d = inverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
m = pow(x, d, n)


ans = []
while m > 0:
    ans.append(m & 0xff)
    m = m // 256


flag : ACSC{warmup_challenge_so_easy}


Merkle Hellman

We tired of RSA, try a new cryptosystem by merkle and hellman but we don’t know how to decrypt the ciphertext. We need your help for decrypt the ciphertext to get back my flag.txt!


We are given everything, public key, private key and ciphertext. This should be an easy solve once we can figure out what the encryption is doing


Let’s focus on the encryption part

c = []
for f in flag:
	s = 0
	for i in range(7):
		if f & (64>>i):
			s += b[i]

Every integer in c is encryption of a single character in flag.

\[E: char \to \mathbb{Z}\]

The encryption is done by summing up a subset of the integers in b based on the character value (convert to 8 bits)

So I constructed a reverse decryption map by encrypting all possible characters

\[D: \mathbb{Z} \to char\]

Then just use the decryption map to find out the flag

p = [7352, 2356, 7579, 19235, 1944, 14029, 1084]
q = 20910
c = [8436, 22465, 30044, 22465, 51635, 10380, 11879, 50551, 35250, 51223, 14931, 25048, 7352, 50551, 37606, 39550]

dic = {}

for i in range(2**7):
    s = 0
    for j in range(7):
        if (i & (1 << j)):
            s += p[6 - j]
    dic[s] = i

for i in c:
    print(chr(dic[i]), end='')

flag : ACSC{E4zY_P3@zy}

Check Number 63

I know the “common modulus attack” on RSA. But as far as I know, the attacker can NOT factor n, right? I generated 63 keys with different public exponents. I also generated the check numbers to confirm the keys were valid. Sadly, public exponents and check numbers were leaked. Am I still safe?


To get the flag, we must recover p and q

The only hint we have is pairs of \((e_i,k_i)\) that satisfies

\[e_id_i - 1 = k_i(phi)\]


First let’s see what we can do with the hints.

\[\begin{aligned} e_id_i - 1 &= k_i(phi)\\ e_id_i - k_i(phi) &= 1\\ \end{aligned}\]

Notice that this equation is the linear diophantine equation.

Since \(e_i\) is prime, and \(k_i\) very likely to coprime with \(e_i\), so suppose we have found a solution \((x,y)\) with extended euclidean algorithm such that

\[e_i \cdot x - k_i \cdot y = 1\]

Since \((d_i, phi)\) is also one of the solution for the equation, by the properties of linear diophantine equation,

For some \(c \in \mathbb{Z}\)

\[\begin{aligned} d_i &= y + c \cdot k_i\\ phi &= x + c \cdot e_i\\ \end{aligned}\]

The first equation is not so useful for us. For the second one, we can transform it into

\[phi \equiv x \text{ mod } e_i\]

Since we have 63 pairs of \((e_i, k_i)\), so

\[\begin{cases} phi \equiv x \text{ mod } e_1\\ phi \equiv x \text{ mod } e_2\\ \dots\\ phi \equiv x \text{ mod } e_{63}\\ \end{cases}\]

Now perform CRT to get

\[phi \text{ mod } (e_1 \cdot e_2 \cdot \dots \cdot e_{63})\]

After this step, I notice that the \(E = e_1 \cdot e_2 \cdot \dots \cdot e_{63}\) is only 1006 bits. This is not sufficient for us to recover \(phi\) as \(phi\) is 2048 bits.

Also, we do not have any information on the lower bits or upper bits of phi because \(E\) is not divisible by power of 2.

To move on, let’s convert the equation to something useful but with smaller bits.

\[\begin{aligned} c &\equiv phi \text{ mod } E\\ c &\equiv (N - p - q + 1) \text{ mod } E\\ p + q &\equiv N - c + 1 \text{ mod } E \end{aligned}\]

Since \(N\) and \(c\) are both known, we can get approximation of \(p+q \text{ mod } E\).

This is useful because \(p+q\) is at most 1025 bits, way lesser than \(phi\). And knowing it means that we can factorise \(N\) .

Final transformation,

\[\begin{aligned} p + q &\equiv x \text{ mod } E \\ p + q &= x + E \cdot k \end{aligned}\]

Note that \(k\) must be less than \(1025 - 1006 = 19\) bits

So to find the actual value of \(p + q\) we just have to brute force \(k\).

Once \(p + q\) is found, factorising \(N\) is trivial

Sage script to find p,q

n = 24575303335152579483219397187273958691356380033536698304119157688003502052393867359624475789987237581184979869428436419625817866822376950791646781307952833871208386360334267547053595730896752931770589720203939060500637555186552912818531990295111060561661560818752278790449531513480358200255943011170338510477311001482737373145408969276262009856332084706260368649633253942184185551079729283490321670915209284267457445004967752486031694845276754057130676437920418693027165980362069983978396995830448343187134852971000315053125678630516116662920249232640518175555970306086459229479906220214332209106520050557209988693711
arr = [(65537,36212),(65539,5418),(65543,27200),(65551,37275),(65557,19020),(65563,18986),(65579,30121),(65581,55506),(65587,34241),(65599,35120),(65609,49479),(65617,38310),(65629,65504),(65633,15629),(65647,27879),(65651,6535),(65657,24690),(65677,57656),(65687,58616),(65699,19857),(65701,9326),(65707,8739),(65713,60630),(65717,35109),(65719,47240),(65729,12246),(65731,35776),(65761,23462),(65777,48929),(65789,13100),(65809,10941),(65827,55227),(65831,21264),(65837,36029),(65839,1057),(65843,11772),(65851,30488),(65867,45637),(65881,40155),(65899,42192),(65921,64114),(65927,8091),(65929,5184),(65951,8153),(65957,33274),(65963,17143),(65981,7585),(65983,62304),(65993,58644),(66029,15067),(66037,47377),(66041,35110),(66047,30712),(66067,4519),(66071,53528),(66083,1925),(66089,29064),(66103,32308),(66107,52310),(66109,13040),(66137,27981),(66161,36954),(66169,9902)]

mods = []
vals = []
roots = []

def mult(arr):
    res = 1
    for i in arr:
        res *= i
    return res

for i in arr:
    t = xgcd(i[0], -i[1])

phi = crt(vals, mods)

N = mult(mods)
x = (n - phi + 1) % N

count = 0 
while True:
    p_plus_q = int(x) + N * count
    F.<p> = ZZ[]
    f = (p_plus_q - p) * p - n
    if (len(f.roots()) != 0):
    count += 1

Script to find flag after knowing p and q

from hashlib import sha512

p = 171823887776209292519493321228755219023175009255195110622647307497341870443014434666845601427385499203400333540040725767709419551347691446599690252231568600428766452893220619476321379858695057145670890344898096557861212360950270158676107428897032154828961726031035925801766641485210298624626739013655188317629
q = 143026116177515987828041940647526671395967499944486647122671304348705870893095386822209597313090170117018866207825081216305902261238513999958328503013758234695405284984667174362118290023851621106497360421553676680838786617409394739766549865486382387391080554313144716298920178020814779020633607861091589038459

if p > q:p,q = q,p
flag = "ACSC{" + sha512( f"{p}{q}".encode() ).hexdigest() + "}" 



It must be twice as powerful as the ordinal one.


The objective of this challenge is to find the private exponent used for signing.

We are given digital signature of the same message using the same \(k\) (very sus) but different modulus


Once a value is being taken as a exponent of some \(g\), it is very hard to get back the original exponent (DLP with strong prime).

So we can just ignored all the values that has been raised by power \(g\) (y1 and y2)

We have these 2 equations

\[\begin{aligned} k^{-1}(z + r_1 \cdot x) &\equiv s_1 \text{ mod } p_1\\ k^{-1}(z + r_2 \cdot x) &\equiv s_2 \text{ mod } p_2 \end{aligned}\]

where the only unknowns are \(k\) and \(x\)

So we use the trick to solve simultaneous modulo equation.

Rewrite the equations

\[\begin{aligned} k &\equiv (z + r_1 \cdot x)/s_1 \text{ mod } p_1\\ k &\equiv (z + r_2 \cdot x)/s_2 \text{ mod } p_2 \end{aligned}\]

Then perform CRT to get

\[k \equiv f(x) \text { mod } (p_1 \cdot p_2)\]

\(f(x)\) is thankfully a nice linear function

Since \(p_1 \cdot p_2\) is 1024 bits, \(k, x\) are both 512 bits, we can find bivarate small roots for the equation.

I used defund’s coppersmith script for this last part.

Script to find the combined equations with CRT

g = 4
p1, p2 = 6276170351477662358610296265757659534898563584329624403861678676207084984210281982964595245398676819568696602458985212398017251665201155991266054305219383699, 6592790035600261324619481304533463005761130886111654202136347967085156073379713687101783875841638513262245459729322943177912713281466956529743757383039213839
y1, y2 = 4402230695629594751098609664164747722309480897222957264699530671849221909102875035849237359507796750078710393158944361439911537205013148370997499859214033074, 1681962252704346790535503180583651281903938541944441796556533586799974913619493902209110690623728835694029912753819263510084101226503501626563053650880055759
m = b'omochi mochimochi mochimochi omochi'
r1, s1 = (2059408995750136677433298244389263055046695445249968690077607175900623237060138734944126780231327500254319039236115174790677322287273023749694890125234033630, 705204023016308665771881112578269844527040578525414513229064579516151996129198705744493237004425745778721444958494868745594673773644781132717640592278534802)
r2, s2 = (3246603518972133458487019157522113455602145970917894172952170087044203882577925192461339870709563972992589487629762432781841010769867505736764230484818447604, 2142497127325776381345617721109438439759390966544000203818908086062572965004742554536684765731611856029799528558073686810627789363181741779462572364133421373)

def h(m: bytes) -> int:
    return int(sha256(m).hexdigest(), 16)

def crt(vals, mods):
    N = 1
    res = 0
    for i in mods:
        N *= i
    for i in range(len(mods)):
        res += ((N // mods[i]) * inverse(N // mods[i], mods[i]) * vals[i])
    return res

q1 = (p1 - 1)//2
q2 = (p2 - 1)//2

F.<k,x> = ZZ[]

eq = [(h(m) + x * r1)/s1, (h(m) + x * r2)/s2]

g = k - crt(eq, [q1, q2])


Script to find \((k,x)\) with defund’s script

N = q1 * q2

G = Zmod(N)
F.<k,x> = Zmod(N)[]
f = k - G(531694614462395965093271397376200180548318673453002006041785926852304763015686027564344853695056469964101783067804008628190148659186135013048502680310000634123295901580576509636455194391078031671758562527912670388086404351854774673728765104465456618607588897084427601987941841987078859449738735256204047740558996449799601732032672101414425242681661740568534385206264895712523054280407123398554886981408219087933538698398043769303914081993700953835174993624580697206638028383072998266647427511589787246036927023470199769687194517173908014454494015179194159296060601899321849553145433707463252860438277495029588487477724907945)/24369316024048742020807794670172794836056486372260256257122664723648207275525578061223052729535793577680707442634922008708862786915336316379707528285705443748713589372343051313078888009005999077691949876857223511798101755944700764538406257861663356607304098985858378955230341758625812430858348015479794188889083*x - G(7615220845290791214365189062511551572612753079400380498844052198091117849900996116616977334580544911770575851147960371775159709438022397610539622297850005097789803814299921205576892521474481449222560481434208583288508677442216924474767389658506987303010423563613094006177354660276298691926417744761799250783308745738533528920045454512278723219625477253689796612150482275973928208378929844626436615942319657324887787778659933347142735765477667836813435775460463816349126339888685250977451888470363616839186908338123858013239774260853884642409598)/24369316024048742020807794670172794836056486372260256257122664723648207275525578061223052729535793577680707442634922008708862786915336316379707528285705443748713589372343051313078888009005999077691949876857223511798101755944700764538406257861663356607304098985858378955230341758625812430858348015479794188889083


print(small_roots(f, (2^512, 2^512), m = 5, d = 5))

flag: ACSC{okay_you_must_be_over_twice_as_powerful_as_the_DSA}


My private key was corrupted, luckily I managed to recover some parts. Can you help me to recover the whole private key? I got an important file on my server


We are given a corrupted pem private RSA key. Some parts of the key are changed to ?. We need to recover the original key


For information on how to read ASN.1, you can refer to my previous writeup on a similar challenge

First notice that some lines are longer than usual. I didn’t suspect anything at first but I had issues finding the correct offset.

Then only I realise that newline are also converted to ? (This part took me 2 hours)

Convert some of the ? back to new line so that the length are the same.

?Uhc?p????c4ln?m?r???P??C?8?X?d??TP??k??B?dwjN7??ui?K????????-?N? ?S? ?RI?A?? KE?-???-

By manually work out the offset, we can get full N and partial d,p,q,p_d,q_d. I generated multiple 2048 bits RSA as reference to make sure I get it right.

Next I use the branch and prune attack to recover p and q. I just used the solve script from jvdsn/crypto-attacks

Once p and q are found, generated a RSA private key from them and login to the server to get flag

Script to examine the offset and get the partial d,p,q,p_d,q_d

base64_chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
s = "A?AoI?????8S??Om/???xN3c??0?/G?OO?aQWQB??ECCi??KD?w??2mFc??pTM?r?rX??X+XFW??Rtw?o?d???ZQ?yp?mczG?q2?0O???1o3?Jt?8?+00s?SY+??MG??7d??7k??o?????ci?K?????wK??Y??gqV????9????YA?Hh5T????ICP+?3HTU?l???m0y?6??2???b2x??????+7??T????????n?7????b?P??iL?/???tq???5jLuy??lX?d?ZEO?7???ld???g?r?rK??IYA???0???zYCIZt2S???cP??W????f???l5?3c+??UkJr4E?QH??PiiDWLB???f5A?G?A???????????u???3?K???????I???S?????????J?p?3?N?W???????r???????8???o???m?????8?s???1?4?l?T?3?j?y?6?F?c?g?3?A?8?S?1?X?o?D?C?+?7?F?V?U?1?f?K?a?F?7?S?b?V?/?v?5?1?V?A?5?G?y?X?AoGB?L?i?2?C?t?W?s?Z?h?L?t?3?r?d?M?s?U?E?L?P?n?2?U?G?M?g?D?u?E?s?a?h?K?m?9?/?n?o?J?8?e?9?9?k?N?2?l?T?8?k?b?e?j?n?Q?u?z?z?e?A?S?6?0?w?5?0?B?V?i?s?R?W?6?Y?6?u?l?s?G?c?Q?2?Q?w?U?l??GA??V?f???kVYfl???WyY?3J?2fF?h/???UqfpeO???o?k?9kF??a8L?V?w??????J??9?iP????D???JSx??g?IUC0??t7???I??c??????eh/No?????y8???0?E+??1?JC?Oj??HFy??2T?1nV?HH?+???+??s?L?o??K?zc?????BhB2A?????E??b???e?f??KruaZ??u?tp?Tq?ct?????iQ1qS??h??m?S?/????FDu3i?p???S??Q?o??0s?e0?n?Hv??C?CnM?/Dwm9?????uC?Ktm????D?e????h7?A??V??O??5/XsY??Y?A???????q?y?gk?Pbq?????MQK?gQ??SQ?????ERjLp?N??A??P?So?TPE??WWG???lK?Q????o?aztnUT?eKe4+h0?VkuB?b?v?7ge?nK1??Jy7?y??9??????BP??gG?kKK?y?Z???yES4i???Uhc?p????c4ln?m?r???P??C?8?X?d??TP??k??B?dwjN7??ui?K????????"
front = "MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAn+8Rj11c2JOgyf6s1Hiiwt553hw9+oGcd1EGo8H5tJOEiUnPNixaIGMK1O7CU7+IEe43PJcGPPkCti2kz5qAXAyXXBMAlHF46spmQaQFpVRRVMZD1yInh0QXEjgBBFZKaH3VLh9FpCKYpfqij+OlphoSHlfc7l2Wfct40TDFg13WdpVBBseCEmaY/b+kxwdfVe7Dzt8kd2ASPuNbOqKvv8ijTgiqpsX5uinjvr/3/srINm8XxpANqO/eSXP8kO4abOJtyfg2bWvO9QvQRaUIjnYioAkyiqcttbzGIekCfktlA+RnJLL19tEG43hubOZAwqGDxvXfKEKx9E2Yx4Da/wIDAQ"

frontExpanded = ""

for i in front:
    frontExpanded += bin(base64_chars.find(i))[2:].zfill(6)

for i in range(len(frontExpanded)//4):
    print(hex(int(frontExpanded[i * 4 : (i + 1) * 4], 2))[2:], end='')


expanded = ""

for i in s:
    if (i == "?"):
        expanded += "?" * 6
        expanded += bin(base64_chars.find(i))[2:].zfill(6)

start = 11 * 4
print(expanded[: start])
end = start + (257) * 8
d = expanded[start : end]

start = end + 3 * 8
print(expanded[end: start])
end = start + 129 * 8
p = expanded[start : end]

start = end + 3 * 8
print(expanded[end: start])
end = start + 129 * 8
q = expanded[start : end]

print(expanded[end: end + 3 * 8])
start = end + 3 * 8
end = start + 128 * 8
dp = expanded[start : end]

print(expanded[end: end + 3 * 8])

start = end + 3 * 8
end = start + 128 * 8
dq = expanded[start : end]

n = 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


Script to find p and q, using the function from

N = 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
e = 0x10001

p_bits = "????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????101110??????????????????110111??????001010??????????????????????????????????????????001000??????????????????010010??????????????????????????????????????????????????????001001??????101001??????110111??????001101??????010110??????????????????????????????????????????101011??????????????????????????????????????????111100??????????????????101000??????????????????100110??????????????????????????????111100??????101100??????????????????110101??????111000??????100101??????010011??????110111??????100011??????110010??????111010??????000101??????011100??????100000??????110111??????000000??????111100??????010010??????110101??????010111??????101000??????000011??????000010??????111110??????111011??????000101??????010101??????010100??????110101??????011111??????001010??????011010??????000101??????111011??????010010??????011011??????010101??????111111??????101111??????111001??????110101??????010101??????000000??????111001??????000110??????110010??????010111??????"

q_bits = "1011??????100010??????110110??????000010??????101101??????010110??????101100??????011001??????100001??????001011??????101101??????110111??????101011??????011101??????001100??????101100??????010100??????000100??????001011??????001111??????100111??????110110??????010100??????000110??????001100??????100000??????000011??????101110??????000100??????101100??????011010??????100001??????001010??????100110??????111101??????111111??????100111??????101000??????001001??????111100??????011110??????111101??????111101??????100100??????001101??????110110??????100101??????010011??????111100??????100100??????011011??????011110??????100011??????100111??????010000??????101110??????110011??????110011??????011110??????000000??????010010??????111010??????110100??????110000??????111001??????110100??????000001??????010101??????100010??????101100??????010001??????010110??????111010??????011000??????111010??????101110??????100101??????101100??????000110??????011100??????010000??????110110??????010000??????110000??????010100??????100101"

d_bits = "????????????????111100010010????????????001110100110111111??????????????????110001001101110111011100????????????110100??????111111000110??????001110001110??????011010010000010110010000000001????????????000100000010000010100010????????????001010000011??????110000????????????110110100110000101011100????????????101001010011001100??????101011??????101011010111????????????010111111110010111000101010110????????????010001101101110000??????101000??????011101??????????????????011001010000??????110010101001??????100110011100110011000110??????101010110110??????110100001110??????????????????110101101000110111??????001001101101??????111100??????111110110100110100101100??????010010011000111110????????????001100000110????????????111011011101????????????111011100100????????????101000??????????????????????????????011100100010??????001010??????????????????????????????110000001010????????????011000????????????100000101010010101????????????????????????111101????????????????????????011000000000??????000111100001111001010011????????????????????????001000000010001111111110??????110111000111010011010100??????100101??????????????????100110110100110010??????111010????????????110110??????????????????011011110110110001????????????????????????????????????111110111011????????????010011????????????????????????????????????????????????100111??????111011????????????????????????011011??????001111????????????100010001011??????111111??????????????????101101101010??????????????????111001100011001011101110110010????????????100101010111??????011101??????011001000100001110??????111011??????????????????100101011101??????????????????100000??????101011??????101011001010????????????001000011000000000??????????????????110100??????????????????110011011000000010001000011001101101110110010010??????????????????011100001111????????????010110????????????????????????011111??????????????????100101111001??????110111011100111110????????????010100100100001001101011111000000100??????010000000111????????????001111100010100010000011010110001011000001??????????????????011111111001"

dp_bits = "????????????010101??????011111??????????????????100100010101011000011111100101??????????????????010110110010011000??????110111001001??????110110011111000101??????100001111111??????????????????010100101010011111101001011110001110??????????????????101000??????100100??????111101100100000101????????????011010111100001011??????010101??????110000????????????????????????????????????001001????????????111101??????100010001111????????????????????????000011??????????????????001001010010110001????????????100000??????001000010100000010110100????????????101101111011??????????????????001000????????????011100????????????????????????????????????011110100001111111001101101000??????????????????????????????110010111100??????????????????110100??????000100111110????????????110101??????001001000010??????001110100011????????????000111000101110010????????????110110010011??????110101100111010101??????000111000111??????111110??????????????????111110????????????101100??????001011??????101000????????????001010??????110011011100??????????"

dq_bits = "01100001000001110110000000??????????????????????????????000100????????????011011??????????????????011110??????011111????????????001010101011101110011010011001????????????101110??????101101101001??????010011101010??????011100101101??????????????????????????????100010010000110101101010010010????????????100001????????????100110??????010010??????111111????????????????????????000101000011101110110111100010??????101001??????????????????010010????????????010000??????101000????????????110100101100??????011110110100??????100111??????000111101111????????????000010??????000010100111001100??????111111000011110000100110111101??????????????????????????????101110000010??????001010101101100110????????????????????????000011??????011110????????????????????????100001111011??????000000????????????010101????????????001110????????????111001111111010111101100011000????????????011000??????000000??????????????????????????????????????????101010??????110010??????100000100100??????001111011011101010??????????????????????????????00110001"

print(factorize_pqddpdq(N, e, PartialInteger.from_bits_be(p_bits), PartialInteger.from_bits_be(q_bits), PartialInteger.from_bits_be(d_bits), PartialInteger.from_bits_be(dp_bits), PartialInteger.from_bits_be(dq_bits)))

flag: ACSC{R3c0vEr_F4ctOr5_fROm_Kn0wn_b17$s!}


I made SusCipher, which is a vulnerable block cipher so everyone can break it! Please, try it and find a key. Hint: Differential cryptanalysis is useful.


The server is running a 3 round Substitution-Permutation Network cipher. We need to find the key and send it to the server to get the help.

Also the author hinted to use differential cryptanalysis, so I just use that in the end.


I mostly just followed this paper to implement the attack.

I think the paper explains the concept of differential cryptanalysis better than I do so I will just skip the explaination.

What’s different from this cipher and the standard Substitution-Permutation Network cipher is that the last round is permuted before xor with the key again. That increases the number of dirty SBox in the last round.

The gist of how I solved it is I try different delta and filter out the possible keys until I get a unique key for each round.

I also had issues with timeout and did some weird optimisation to speed up the code lol.

In the end I used pypy3 and it takes around 4 minutes to get the flag 😅. Also it fails half of the time.

Abit clutch but yeah, I am happy that I solved the challenge in time.

6 hours spend on implementation, 2 hours spend on optimisation.

Solve script

import random
from pwn import *

def blockToInt(block: list[int]) -> int:
    res = 0
    for v in block:
        res <<= 6
        res |= v
    return res

def intToBlock(v: int) -> list[int]:
    l: list[int] = []
    for _ in range(8):
        l.append(v & 0b111111)
        v >>= 6
    return l[::-1]

def isEqual(a, b):
    equal = len(a) == len(b)
    for i in range(len(a)):
        equal &= a[i] == b[i]
    return equal

class SusCipher:
    S = [
        43,  8, 57, 53, 48, 39, 15, 61,
         7, 44, 33,  9, 19, 41,  3, 14,
        42, 51,  6,  2, 49, 28, 55, 31,
         0,  4, 30,  1, 59, 50, 35, 47,
        25, 16, 37, 27, 10, 54, 26, 58,
        62, 13, 18, 22, 21, 24, 12, 20,
        29, 38, 23, 32, 60, 34,  5, 11,
        45, 63, 40, 46, 52, 36, 17, 56

    US = [24, 27, 19, 14, 25, 54, 18, 8,
          1, 11, 36, 55, 46, 41, 15, 6, 33,
          62, 42, 12, 47, 44, 43, 50, 45,
         32, 38, 35, 21, 48, 26, 23, 51,
           10, 53, 30, 61, 34, 49, 5, 58,
            13, 16, 0, 9, 56, 59, 31, 4,
               20, 29, 17, 60, 3, 37, 22,
            63, 2, 39, 28, 52, 7, 40, 57]

    P = [
        21,  8, 23,  6,  7, 15,
        22, 13, 19, 16, 25, 28,
        31, 32, 34, 36,  3, 39,
        29, 26, 24,  1, 43, 35,
        45, 12, 47, 17, 14, 11,
        27, 37, 41, 38, 40, 20,
         2,  0,  5,  4, 42, 18,
        44, 30, 46, 33,  9, 10

    ROUND = 3
    BLOCK_NUM = 8
    MASK = (1 << (6 * BLOCK_NUM)) - 1

    def _divide(cls, v: int) -> list[int]:
        l: list[int] = []
        for _ in range(cls.BLOCK_NUM):
            l.append(v & 0b111111)
            v >>= 6
        return l[::-1]

    def _sub(cls, block: list[int]) -> list[int]:
        return [cls.S[v] for v in block]

    def _unsub(cls, block: list[int]) -> list[int]:
        return [cls.US[v] for v in block]

    def _perm(cls, block: list[int]) -> list[int]:
        bits = ""
        for b in block:
            bits += f"{b:06b}"

        buf = ["_" for _ in range(6 * cls.BLOCK_NUM)]
        for i in range(6 * cls.BLOCK_NUM):
            buf[cls.P[i]] = bits[i]

        permd = "".join(buf)
        return [int(permd[i : i + 6], 2) for i in range(0, 6 * cls.BLOCK_NUM, 6)]

    def _unperm(cls, block: list[int]) -> list[int]:
        bits = ""
        for b in block:
            bits += f"{b:06b}"

        buf = ["_" for _ in range(6 * cls.BLOCK_NUM)]
        for i in range(6 * cls.BLOCK_NUM):
            buf[i] = bits[cls.P[i]]

        permd = "".join(buf)
        return [int(permd[i : i + 6], 2) for i in range(0, 6 * cls.BLOCK_NUM, 6)]

    def _xor(a: list[int], b: list[int]) -> list[int]:
        return [x ^ y for x, y in zip(a, b)]

    def best(self, v):
        total = 0
        maxi = 0
        maxiIndex = 0
        for i in range(len(self.diffTable[v])):
            total += self.diffTable[v][i]
            if (self.diffTable[v][i] > maxi):
                maxi = self.diffTable[v][i]
                maxiIndex = i
        return maxiIndex, maxi/total

    def simulate(self, block, round) -> int:
        prob = 1

        for r in range(round - 1):
            for i in range(8):
                block[i], p =[i])
                prob *= p
            block = self._perm(block)

        dirty = [0b111111 if i != 0 else 0 for i in block]
        dirty = self._perm(dirty)

        return block, prob, dirty

    def decOne(self, block, k):
        block = self._xor(block, k)
        block = self._unperm(block)
        block = self._unsub(block)
        return block

    def __init__(self, diffTable):
        self.diffTable = diffTable

S = [
    43,  8, 57, 53, 48, 39, 15, 61,
     7, 44, 33,  9, 19, 41,  3, 14,
    42, 51,  6,  2, 49, 28, 55, 31,
     0,  4, 30,  1, 59, 50, 35, 47,
    25, 16, 37, 27, 10, 54, 26, 58,
    62, 13, 18, 22, 21, 24, 12, 20,
    29, 38, 23, 32, 60, 34,  5, 11,
    45, 63, 40, 46, 52, 36, 17, 56

diffTable = [[0 for _ in range(2**6)] for _ in range(2**6)]

for i in range(2**6):
    for j in range(2**6):
        diffTable[i ^ j][S[i] ^ S[j]] += 1

useful = []

for i in range(2**6):
    for j in range(2**6):
        if (diffTable[i][j] == 8):
            useful.append((i, j))

cipher = SusCipher(diffTable)

r = remote("", 13579)
realKeys = []

for round in range(3, 0, -1):
    keys = [0 for _ in range(8)]
    arr = []

    for i in range(len(useful)):
        for j in range(8):
            block = [0 for _ in range(8)]
            block[j] = useful[i][0]
            block, p, dirty = cipher.simulate(block, round)
            arr.append((i, j, block, p, dirty))

    arr.sort(key=lambda x:-x[3])

    while True:
        checkKey = True
        for i in range(8):
            if not (isinstance(keys[i], set) and len(keys[i]) == 1):
                checkKey = False
        if (checkKey):
        maxi = 0
        mini = 100000000000000000
        index = 0
        for j in range(len(arr)):
            elem = arr[j]
            if (elem[3] < 0.01):
            iterations = 1
            for i in range(8):
                if (elem[4][i] != 0):
                    if (keys[i] == 0):
                        iterations *= 2**6
                        iterations *= len(keys[i])
            if (iterations == 1): continue
            if (iterations < 2**17):
                index = j
                maxi = 2**19
            maxi = max(maxi, iterations)
            if (iterations < mini):
                index = j
                mini = iterations

        if (maxi <= 2**18):
            index = 0
        elem = arr[index]
        del arr[index]


        keysCandidate = {}

        minCount = 1000000000000
        minmm = 1000

        while True:
            r.recvuntil("> ")
            p1 = [random.getrandbits(6) for _ in range(8)]
            p2 = p1.copy(); p2[elem[1]] ^= useful[elem[0]][0]
            r.sendline(str(blockToInt(p1)).encode() + b"," + str(blockToInt(p2)).encode())
            c1, c2 = map(intToBlock, map(int, r.recvline().split(b',')))
            for i in range(3 - round):
                c1 = cipher.decOne(c1, realKeys[i])
                c2 = cipher.decOne(c2, realKeys[i])
            candidate = True
            for i in range(8):
                if (elem[4][i] == 0 and c1[i] != c2[i]):
                    candidate = False
            test = cipher._xor(c1, c2)
            test = cipher._unperm(test)

            for i in range(8):
                if (diffTable[elem[2][i]][test[i]] == 0):
                    candidate = False

            if (not candidate):
            def func(index, subkeys):
                if (index == 8):
                    cc1 = c1.copy()
                    cc2 = c2.copy()
                    cc1 = cipher.decOne(cc1, subkeys)
                    cc2 = cipher.decOne(cc2, subkeys)
                    check = cipher._xor(cc1, cc2)
                    if (isEqual(check, elem[2])):
                        t = blockToInt(subkeys)
                        if t not in keysCandidate:
                            keysCandidate[t] = 0
                        keysCandidate[t] += 1
                if (elem[4][index] == 0):
                    func(index + 1, subkeys)
                elif (keys[index] == 0):
                    for i in range(2**6):
                        subkeys[index] = i
                        func(index + 1, subkeys)
                    for i in keys[index]:
                        subkeys[index] = i
                        func(index + 1, subkeys)
            func(0, [0 for _ in range(8)])
            mm = 0
            for i in keysCandidate:
                mm = max(mm, keysCandidate[i])
            print("maximum", mm)
            count = 0 if mm != 0 else 10000000
            for i in keysCandidate:
                if (keysCandidate[i] == mm):
                    count += 1
            print("count", count)
            if (count < minCount):
                minmm = mm
                minCount = count
            dic = {}
            if (mm >= 4):
                for i in keysCandidate:
                    if (keysCandidate[i] == mm):
                        t = intToBlock(i)
                        for j in range(8):
                            if (elem[4][j] != 0):
                                if (j not in dic):
                                    dic[j] = set()
                for i in dic:
                    if (keys[i] == 0):
                        keys[i] = dic[i]
                        keys[i] = keys[i].intersection(dic[i])

    oneRealKey = []
    for i in range(8):


r.recvuntil("> ")
p1 = [0 for _ in range(8)]
c = intToBlock(int(r.recvline()))

for i in range(3):
    c = cipher.decOne(c, realKeys[i])

r.sendline(str(blockToInt(cipher._xor(c, p1))))

flag: ACSC{There_may_be_a_better_solution_to_solve_this_but_I_used_diff_analysis_:(}
